German GVZ concept also interesting for the Ukraine

Dr. Norbert Wagener (Managing Director of W & H and Koodinator LogistikNetz Berlin-Brandenburg eV) pre­sen­ted the GVZ con­cept on the oc­ca­si­on of a high-le­vel in­vest­ment con­fe­rence on the mar­gins of LOGISTIKA 2008 in Kiev on April 8, 2008 un­der the the­me “The German lo­gi­stic ex­pe­ri­ence wi­th freight vil­la­ges” it ap­pro­pria­te for Ukraine? ” in front.

In the li­vely dis­cus­sion, ap­pli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties and pecu­lia­ri­ties we­re dis­cus­sed. Particularly pri­va­te pri­va­te in­vest­ment should play a grea­ter ro­le. The frame­work for this is a law on pu­blic-pri­va­te part­ner­ships, which is to be ad­opted soon.

According to Ms Grigorak, chair­man of the Ukrainian Logistics Association, the share of lo­gi­stics cos­ts of goods in Ukraine is si­gni­fi­cant­ly hig­her at 30–35% than in Western count­ries (8–10%). The mar­ket for con­tract lo­gi­stics is about 11 to 12 bil­li­on USD. W & H has be­en im­ple­men­ting plan­ning for lo­gi­stics cen­ters and parks in CIS count­ries sin­ce 2006.

Lecture “The German lo­gi­stic ex­pe­ri­ence wi­th freight vil­la­ges — is it ap­pro­pria­te for Ukraine?”

German GVZ con­cept al­so in­te­res­t­ing for the Ukraine
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