From the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea: experts from W&H manage the quality of service according to EN 13816 in passenger transport companies

After the or­der of the Greek rail­way trai­no­se for the in­tro­duc­tion of the ser­vice qua­li­ty stan­dard for pu­blic trans­port com­pa­nies EN 13816 for the IC con­nec­tion Athens — Thessaloniki was suc­cessful­ly im­ple­men­ted, now goes for the W&H con­sul­tants to the Baltic Sea. On the is­land of Usedom, ad­vi­sor Wolfgang Fleischer curr­ent­ly sup­ports the Usedomer bathing track in terms of EN 13816. The Usedomer Bäderbahn is al­re­a­dy re­gard­ed as an in­no­va­ti­ve and cus­to­mer-ori­en­ted pas­sen­ger trans­port com­pa­ny and will con­ti­nue to ex­pand its suc­cessful po­si­ti­on wi­th the help of EN 13816.

From the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea: ex­perts from W&H ma­na­ge the qua­li­ty of ser­vice ac­cor­ding to EN 13816 in pas­sen­ger trans­port companies
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