BVG relies on service and security — W&H is developing QM system for this purpose

W & H is pro­vi­ding con­sul­ting and trai­ning ser­vices for the Service and Safety (SuS) di­vi­si­on of the Berlin trans­port com­pa­nies to stan­dar­di­ze the DIN EN ISO 9001 standard

Wagener & Herbst Management Consultants GmbH sup­ports BVG in the form of or­ga­niza­tio­nal con­sul­ting and trai­ning in con­nec­tion wi­th the qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment sys­tem to be im­ple­men­ted ac­cor­ding to DIN EN ISO 9001. With mo­re than 12,000 em­ployees, BVG pro­vi­des 221 mil­li­on com­mer­cial ve­hic­le ki­lo­me­ters an­nu­al­ly as the lar­gest German pu­blic trans­port com­pa­ny. Service and se­cu­ri­ty is, in ad­di­ti­on to the ac­tu­al trans­port, an im­portant co­re ser­vice of the BVG, which is al­so re­flec­ted in the res­truc­tu­ring of the for­mer de­part­ment SuS as a com­pa­ny area.

BVG re­li­es on ser­vice and se­cu­ri­ty — W&H is de­ve­lo­ping QM sys­tem for this purpose
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