WAGENER & HERBST at the 3rd International Congress of the Ukranian Logistic Association in Kiev

At the 3rd International Congress of the Ukranian Logistic Association held on 9.10.09 in Kiev Dr. Norbert Wagener ga­ve a lec­tu­re on “Possibilities of co­ope­ra­ti­on bet­ween the sta­te and the pri­va­te sec­tor in the de­ve­lo­p­ment of freight trans­port centers”.

In the Ukraine, the GVZ mo­del al­so sees a so­lu­ti­on to pro­mo­te in­ter­mo­dal trans­port and to or­ga­ni­ze lo­gi­stics ac­ti­vi­ties out­side the ag­glo­me­ra­ti­ons. This to­pic should al­re­a­dy be ad­dres­sed to­day in or­der to be pre­pared for the up­turn, Dr. Norbert Wagener.

Currently, ho­we­ver, Ukraine is par­ti­cu­lar­ly hard hit by the cri­sis. As re­por­ted by Viktor Shkarban, National Manager of Kuehne & Nagel Ukraine, in Kiev and sur­roun­ding are­as in 2009 of about 850 thousand squa­re me­ters of sto­rage area about 320 thousand squa­re me­ters are emp­ty. For 2010 an in­crease in the va­can­cy ra­te to 50% is expected.

The con­fe­rence took place at the National Aviation University of Kiev, one of the ol­dest ae­ro­space fa­ci­li­ties, a. the air­craft pio­neer Sikorsky hervorging.

If you would li­ke to re­cei­ve a co­py of the lec­tu­re, plea­se send an e‑mail to:
in­fo [at] wagener-herbst.com

WAGENER & HERBST at the 3rd International Congress of the Ukranian Logistic Association in Kiev
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