Successful completion of the “Feasibility Study for Public Logistic Center Vilnius”

On the edge of the po­li­cy — eco­no­my of the lo­gi­stics net­work Berlin — Brandenburg on 19.11.2009 in Potsdam in­for­med Dr. Norbert Wagener (W&H) and Rüdiger Hage IPG) in­vi­ted Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania Mindaugas Butkus to the suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on of the Feasibility Study for Public Logistic Center Vilnius.

Together wi­th Ernst & Young Baltic, W&H and IPG com­mis­sio­ned the Lithuanian Railways LG to in­ves­ti­ga­te tech­ni­cal and eco-no­mic­al fe­a­si­bi­li­ty for the first Lithuanian GVZ in the south-west of Vilnius, di­rect­ly at the high­ly mo­dern mar­shalling yard Vaidotai.

Construction work is plan­ned for 2012. The ex­pan­si­on of the GVZ, which is equip­ped wi­th a con­tai­ner ter­mi­nal, is pha­se-ori­en­ted and needs-ori­en­ted up to a pos­si­ble to­tal area of 425 ha.

Successful com­ple­ti­on of the “Feasibility Study for Public Logistic Center Vilnius”
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