Change Management in the Jordanian Ministry of Transport

Since April 2011, ch­an­ge ma­nage­ment, lea­der­ship, trans­port po­li­cy, trans­port plan­ning and lo­gi­stics have be­en part of the trai­ning pro­gram for of­fi­ci­als and em­ployees of the Jordanian Ministry of Transport, the Land Transport Regulatory Commission and other institutions.

The pro­gram is im­ple­men­ted wi­thin the frame­work of the EU-fun­ded pro­ject “Technical Assistance for the Ministry of Transport of Jordan” by ex­perts from WAGENER & HERBST Management Consultants GmbH Potsdam as part of a con­sul­ting con­sor­ti­um (Leadership Dornier Consulting GmbH).

The high­light was a stu­dy trip to Germany at the end of June 2011, whe­re the par­ti­ci­pan­ts we­re ab­le to ex­ch­an­ge prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­en­ces, espe­ci­al­ly on to­pics re­la­ting to trans­port po­li­cy and in­fra­struc­tu­re development.

On-site dates we­re found among other things. in­s­tead of the BMVBS Berlin, the Ministry of Infrastructure Potsdam, the GVZ Großbeeren, the Port of Hamburg, the Airport Schönefeld and DB AG.

The aim of the pro­gram is to op­ti­mi­ze ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve struc­tures and to im­pro­ve the con­di­ti­ons of trade and trans­port in Jordan. For mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on, see Project Synopsis.

Change Management in the Jordanian Ministry of Transport
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