International transport corridors strengthen the development of intermodal logistics centers

This the­sis was pre­sen­ted by Norbert Wagener in a lec­tu­re at the 7th International Scientific Conference that com­men­ced on the 12 May 2017 at the University of Logistics WSL in Poznan. In his lec­tu­re, Dr. Wagener Challenges and so­lu­ti­ons for the de­ve­lo­p­ment of lo­gi­stics cen­ters using the ex­am­p­le of freight trans­port cen­ters. In 2014, Wagener was ap­poin­ted as an ex­tra­or­di­na­ry pro­fes­sor at the Chair for the Design of Logistics Systems at the WSL.

You can down­load the ar­tic­le from the web­site of the sci­en­ti­fic jour­nal Logforum:

International trans­port cor­ri­dors streng­then the de­ve­lo­p­ment of in­ter­mo­dal lo­gi­stics centers
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