PLC Vilnius gains momentum

The in­fra­struc­tu­re works for the Public Logistics Centre Vilnius are pro­gres­sing. The road con­nec­tion is curr­ent­ly be­ing im­ple­men­ted. The en­gi­nee­ring work for the con­nec­tion to sup­p­ly li­nes will so­on be ten­de­red out. The com­ple­ti­on of the in­fra­struc­tu­ral con­nec­tions is plan­ned for the end of 2021 / be­gin­ning of 2022.

The PLC Vilnius is lo­ca­ted di­rect­ly at the con­tai­ner ter­mi­nal and the mar­shalling yard of Lithuanian Railways (LG) in Vaidotai (Vilnius). In the first pha­se, about 30 hec­ta­res of sett­le­ment area are available. The lo­ca­ti­on of­fers ex­cel­lent trans­port con­nec­tions bo­th for the sup­p­ly of the Lithuanian ca­pi­tal and in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly for trans­ports to Scandinavia, Western Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and China.

In 2009, WAGENER & HERBST pre­pared the fe­a­si­bi­li­ty stu­dy for the PLC Vilnius wi­th EY Baltic and IPG Potsdam on be­half of Lithuanian Railway.

For mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on see the Investment Opportunities Teaser and this web­site.

Construction works at PLC Vilnius, LG con­tai­ner ter­mi­nal in the back­ground (pho­to: VšĮ „Geležinkelių lo­gis­ti­kos parkas“)
PLC Vilnius gains momentum
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