Telematics Network IWiT started

The co­ope­ra­ti­on net­work “IWiT — Intelligent Business Traffic th­rough Telematics in Metropolitan Regions” has re­cei­ved the grant ap­pli­ca­ti­on wi­thin the frame­work of the Central Innovation Program “Mittelstand” (ZIM) of the BMWi. The first pro­ject pha­se runs for one year un­til June 30, 2015.

The goal of the net­work is to de­ve­lop in­no­va­ti­ve so­lu­ti­ons for te­le­ma­tics ap­pli­ca­ti­ons in com­mer­cial traf­fic in me­tro­po­li­tan re­gi­ons. Particular em­pha­sis is pla­ced on the use of pu­blicly ac­ces­si­ble traf­fic da­ta (pu­blic da­ta) in or­der to en­su­re da­ta se­cu­ri­ty, tracea­bi­li­ty, cost-ef­fec­ti­ve­ness and sca­la­bi­li­ty. The net­work in­tends to de­ve­lop in­no­va­ti­ve de­tec­tion sys­tems to ge­ne­ra­te traf­fic si­tua­ti­on da­ta for pu­blic ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ons and eco­no­mic enterprises.

To this end, 10 com­pa­nies and re­se­arch fa­ci­li­ties from four fe­de­ral sta­tes have joi­n­ed forces as net­work part­ners. The IWiT net­work is sup­port­ed by fi­ve as­so­cia­ted net­work part­ners e.g. Traffic Control Berlin, Traffic Management Center Potsdam and the Logistics Network Berlin-Brandenburg.

WAGENER & HERBST as­su­mes IWiT’s net­work management.

Further in­for­ma­ti­on will so­on be available on the pro­ject web­site

Telematics Network IWiT started
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