Container terminals in Vilnius and Kaunas (Lithuania) officially opened

On May 27, 2015 the Vilnius and Kaunas Intermodal Terminals (KIT and VIT) we­re of­fi­ci­al­ly ope­ned. The Prime Minister of Lithuania, Algirdas Butkevičius, than­ked the par­ti­ci­pa­ting com­pa­nies and em­pha­si­zed the im­portance of bo­th ter­mi­nals for the trans­port stra­tegy of Lithuania.

In Vilnius, the ma­jo­ri­ty of the Lithuanian gross do­me­stic pro­duct is ge­ne­ra­ted and Kaunas is be­ing de­ve­lo­ped as an im­portant traf­fic node by the link to the European rail­way gau­ge. Regular con­tai­ner trains con­nect the ter­mi­nal in Vilnius wi­th Eastern and South Eastern Europe as well as Asia. In the Vilnius Intermodal Terminal, EUR 31.77 mil­li­on and EUR 25.5 mil­li­on we­re in­ves­ted in the Kaunas Intermodal Terminal, 85% fi­nan­ced from EU funds.

WAGENER & HERBST has be­en working in Lithuania sin­ce 1994 and was in­vol­ved as a German part­ner in fe­a­si­bi­li­ty stu­dies for bo­th ter­mi­nals wi­th a fo­cus on mar­ket re­se­arch and busi­ness plan.

For mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on see al­so he­re.

Container ter­mi­nals in Vilnius and Kaunas (Lithuania) of­fi­ci­al­ly opened
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