Ralf-Christian Mencl has been a partner of W&H in Hamburg since January 15th, 2015

Dr. Mencl will pri­ma­ri­ly de­ve­lop cont­acts wi­th the ma­ri­ti­me in­dus­try and ad­vi­se on con­tai­ner lo­gi­stics and as­set ma­nage­ment, sea­bor­ne sup­p­ly chains and in­ter­mo­dal transport.

Dr. Mencl has work­ed for 30 ye­ars in lea­ding po­si­ti­ons in re­pu­ta­ble ship­ping com­pa­nies and was re­spon­si­ble for glo­bal con­tai­ner con­trol as Dept. Director Logistics at Hamburg Sued.

In IT pro­jects and pro­jects to re­du­ce cos­ts and in­crease ear­nings, Dr. Mencl had ex­ten­si­ve ex­pe­ri­ence in con­sul­ting pro­jects that led to si­gni­fi­cant cost op­ti­mi­sa­ti­on th­rough op­ti­mal in­for­ma­ti­on flows, ten­der ma­nage­ment and mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent as­set management.


Ralf-Christian Mencl has be­en a part­ner of W&H in Hamburg sin­ce January 15th, 2015
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