W&H presents study on Combined Transport (CT) in Lusatia

Dr. Norbert Wagener pre­sen­ted the re­sults of the W&H stu­dy ‘Potentials for in­ter­mo­dal freight trans­port in the eco­no­mic re­gi­on of Lusatia’ to mem­bers of the press in Cottbus on July 8, 2019. The stu­dy was com­mis­sio­ned by ZukunftsWerkstatt Lausitz at Wirtschaftsregion Lausitz GmbH. 

Based on fo­re­cast da­ta from the 2014 Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan and ex­tra­po­la­ti­ons ba­sed on the ac­tu­al growth ra­tes in the Lusatian CT ter­mi­nals, the­re will be a po­ten­ti­al from 81,400 TEU to 170,840 TEU (20 ’stan­dard con­tai­ner) wi­th source and de­sti­na­ti­on in Lusatia in 2030. In ad­di­ti­on, the­re are other po­ten­ti­als th­rough in­no­va­ti­ve hand­ling tech­no­lo­gies for non-cranable trai­lers in CT

Such a sys­tem is plan­ned for ex­am­p­le in the port Königs Wusterhausen / FV Schönefelder Kreuz. Growth op­por­tu­ni­ties are al­so seen for CT traf­fic via the new Silk Road. BASF plans to ex­pand the Schwarzheide CT ter­mi­nal as a West-East gate­way to Eastern Europe / Asia. At Kodersdorf (ne­ar Görlitz), a new CT ter­mi­nal will be built by the com­pa­ny LION, which will si­gni­fi­cant­ly im­pro­ve the in­ter­mo­dal ac­cess for re­gio­nal in­dus­try in the German-Polish bor­der region. 

Overall, ac­cor­ding to fu­ture plan­ning, every lo­ca­ti­on in Lusatia will be very well con­nec­ted to the nea­rest CT ter­mi­nal wi­th a beeli­ne di­stance of 50 km. 

Further in­for­ma­ti­on can be found he­re (in German), the short ver­si­on of the stu­dy is available for down­load (in German).

W&H pres­ents stu­dy on Combined Transport (CT) in Lusatia
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