Ganges in India will be National Waterway No.1

India is curr­ent­ly de­ve­lo­ping the Ganges in­to an en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly-fri­end­ly and na­vigab­le wa­ter­way, which runs from the sea­port of Haldia (Gulf of Bengal) over 1,360 km to Varanasi. On be­half of The World Bank, Washington, Norbert Wagener sup­ports the de­ve­lo­p­ment of in­ter­mo­dal lo­gi­stics cen­ters and do­me­stic ports as a Senior Trade and Logistics Strategist. Further in­for­ma­ti­on about the pro­ject and an in­for­ma­ti­ve vi­deo can be found at:

Ganges in India will be National Waterway No.1
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